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En España es posible jugar al golf todo el año sin problemas de frío o precipitaciones. Las Islas Canarias presumen de una temperatura media anual que supera los 20 grados centígrados. Zonas del sur de Andalucía disfrutan alrededor de 3.000 horas de sol cada año. Las regiones mediterráneas de Cataluña, Comunidad Valenciana o Región de Murcia tienen temperaturas suaves en invierno… Las condiciones meteorológicas de España garantizan que la temporada de golf sea muy amplia.

El mejor golf amateur se juega en el Tour Nacional WAGC, que cada temporada viaja a lo largo y ancho de la geografía española. Los golfistas amateurs que han conseguido clasificarse en el primer lugar en las cinco categorías en cada campo son los que jugarán la gran Final Nacional, que reúne a los mejores jugadores amateur de España.

De esta gran final saldrán los representantes de nuestro país en Final Mundial del WAGC.


In Spain it is possible to play golf all year round without problems of cold or precipitation. The Canary Islands boast an average annual temperature that exceeds 20 degrees Celsius (68 Fahrenheit). Southern areas of Andalusia enjoy around 3,000 hours of sunshine each year. The Mediterranean regions of Cataluña, Comunidad Valenciana or Región de Murcia have mild temperatures in winter… The weather conditions in Spain guarantee that the golf season is very long.

The best amateur golf is played on the WAGC National Tour, which travels all over the Spanish geography each season. The amateur golfers who have managed to classify in the first place in the five categories in each course are the ones who will play the great National Final, which brings together the best amateur players in Spain.

From this great final will emerge the representatives of our country in the WAGC World Final.


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Spain is the major golf destination in Europe and it is not surprising – Sunsecure, warm climate, beautiful scenery, interesting culture, and above all lots of great golf courses that make golfers from around the world travel to Spain to play golf.
The best courses are located along the coastal belts and areas Costa del Sol and Costa Blanca. This makes us golf lovers dream of wonderful rounds of golf on the beautiful green golf courses in the wonderful climate. Playing golf in Spain always ensures very good quality at very affordable golf facilities, so it is no wonder that Spain is and will remain the biggest golf destination in Europe.


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