World Final Golf Courses 2024

Laguna Phuket
Golf Course

Red Mountain Golf Course

Blue Canyon Lakes Course

Blue Canyon Canyon Course
Angsana Laguna Phuket, 5-star hotel, will accomodate our competitors during the week

Angsana Laguna Phuket, 5-star hotel, will accomodate our competitors during the week

For over two decades World Amateur Golfers Championship has grown to become the worlds largest amateur golf championship, with national championships and players in the world finals from over 40 countries.
World Amateur Golfers Championship (WAGC) inspires amateur golfers from around the world to take on the challenge of competing within their own skill levels by receiving the same status as the professionals and elite do with the proud feeling of representing their country in a world championship final.
National Championships –> WAGC World Final
5 national flight winners compete in the world final individually and as a team.
The tournament begins as a national championship in countries around the world where the winners from five handicap flights in each country becomes National Champions of their flight and represents their national team as well as individually within their flights. The flights are: up to 5.4, 5.5 – 10.4, 10.5 – 15.4, 15.5 – 20.4 and 20.5 – 25.4
The world final is played over 72 holes (like professional PGA tournaments) with handicap adjustments between each round.

Format & Rules
The World Amateur Golfers Championship world final and World Amateur Golfers Invitational tournaments are played over 72 holes, stroke play, with hcp adjustments after each round, giving all a fair and equal opportunity both in the team championship and individually within each flight.
Players in both the Championship and the Invitational compete for individual titles within each flight, as well as a team title.
The Championship Team Competition combines the best four scores (of five) per day from the national team whereas the Invitational counts the combined total score of both team members.
In order to participate in the world final you must be at least 16 years of age before the championship starts (and must be accompanied by an adult if under 18).
World Golfers (WAGC) is committed to providing a fair competition under equal conditions for all players. The HANDICAP PROCEDURE is designed to utilize the World Handicap System (WHS) to provide uniform calculations and the WAGC ADJUSTMENT CHART to balance scores and provide fair conditions for everyone.
With the implementation of the World Handicap System (WHS) in 2020, the vision of the 6 governing handicap associations was to unify the handicap system to:
– Enable golfers of different abilities to play and compete on a fair and equal basis, in any format, on any course, anywhere around the world.
– Be easy to understand and implement without sacrificing accuracy.
-Meet the varied needs and expectations of golfers, golf clubs and golf authorities around the world and be adaptable to suit all golfing cultures.
All participating players in the World Finals, MUST submit their QUALIFYING Handicap Index, along with GROSS SCORES, course and tees used from Country National Final along with an active and valid WHS Handicap ID number issued through countries golf federation.
WAGC World Handicap Committee (WWHC) is responsible for verification of all participating player’s WHS Index prior to start of World Finals. The WWHC is also responsible for any HANDICAP ADJUSTMENTS. Any player that SCORES -5 or lower will required to report, along with TEAM CAPTAIN to the WWHC OFFICE. The WWHC reserves the right to impose additional adjustments for exceptional scores to protect the World Finals field and the integrity of the World Amateur Golfers Championship. This would include but not limited to the FINAL ROUND. The decision of the WWHC will be considered final.
WAGC will utilize Golf Genius and WHS course playing handicaps for tournament rounds. A Course Handicap is calculated using the following formula: Course Handicap = Handicap Index® x (Slope RatingTM / 113) + (Course RatingTM – par).
EX., WHS 11.9, playing a course with a 123 SLOPE, 68.6 RATING and 72 PAR resulting in playing handicap of 10.
EX., WHS 11.9, playing a course with a 123 SLOPE, 70 RATING and 72 PAR resulting in playing handicap of 11.
A revised HANDICAP ADJUSTMENT CHART has been developed to provide fair handicap adjustments for exceptional tournament scores. Any STROKE ADJUSTMENTS will be made against a PLAYER’S DAILY INDEX.
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Ex., A 11.4 index with COURSE HANDICAP 10 (70.0 rating/123 slope), plays a PAR 72 and shoots NET 68 your handicap for the next round, will be reduced by 2 strokes. Player would start the next round with an index of 9.4.
MULTIPLE ROUNDS UNDER PAR will result in stroke adjustments based on PLAYERS handicap at START of tournament. A player that has more than 2 adjustments, would receive additional EXCEPTIONAL SCORE ADJUSTMENTS.
* ROUND 1, starts as a 11.4 INDEX and 10 COURSE HANDICAP, scores 68 and receives 2 stroke reduction for ROUND 2.
* ROUND 2, starts as an 9.4 INDEX and 8 COURSE HANDICAP, scores 69 and receives 1 stroke reduction for ROUND 3.
* ROUND 3, starts as a 8.4 INDEX and 7 COURSE HANDICAP, scores 69 and receives 1 stroke reduction for ROUND 4.
– this is PLAYERS third adjustment resulting in an additional EXCEPTIONAL SCORES ADJUSTMENT of 1, this player would play ROUND 4 as a 6.4 INDEX
* ROUND 4, starts as a 6.4 INDEX and 5 COURSE HANDICAP, scores 69 and receives 1 stroke reduction for ROUND 5.
– this is PLAYERS fourth adjustment resulting in an additional EXCEPTIONAL SCORES ADJUSTMENT of 2, this player would play ROUND 5 as a 3.4 INDEX

World Amateur Golfers Invitational is a separate tournament that gives golfers the opportunity to share in the exciting “WAGC experience” of a world-wide tour-like championship event without first having to qualify.
Business executives with VIP clients, national agents with sponsors, loving couples, celebrities, royalty and other enthusiastic golfers from all corners of the globe are regular participants of the World Amateur Golfers Invitational (WAGI), a tournament that’s played parallel to WAGC, on the same courses, same format and rules except that it is a 2-persons team event (not 5) and has 6 hcp flights (see format & rules).
Invited Players –> World Amateur Golfers Invitational
2-person team & invidually in 6 flights, no qualification
Participants are invited to take part in the Business Networking Program, where we pair our clients on the golf course based on their field of industry and pairing preferences, placing similar business interests in close proximity.
Living up to our motto “Sport Promotes Friendship and Business”, WGI endorses networking and helps achieve, build or further develop long-lasting global business relationships, as our participants are a diverse group representing a multitude of products and services, all with a shared interest of expanding their network with new friends, partners and business opportunities.
Non-golfers, such as spouses accompanying our participants, are offered a variety of activities to make up for the time their husband or wife is at the course.